shinmai maoh

Thursday 26 July 2012

Oda Nobuna no Yabou Light Novel Summaries

Like everyone else the anime drew me in then i wondered if there was more material out there so i looked on animesuki and found out there was a light novel of this series and some has just dont some summarys.....god i love plp who go to the effort of writing summaries so the rest of us can enjoy it too!!

Alright first off go here and vote for this to be translated properly, lets do our part :D

Edit: Translations have started

but so far the translator might only do vol 1 so head to his blog and comment

For these summaries go and thank Mechatrill over at animesuki

Read it here

or download the PDF version here

Summaries v1-4


  1. Thankyou very much for starting up this blog. With the recent end of the anime I'm hungering for more story progression.

  2. Good hopefully there are more like you.

    The more attention this gets the faster the translations will come out

  3. Does anyone know when volume 9 of oda nobuna will be translated plz

  4. Does anyone know where I can find a fully translated version of volume 2? And I mean ALL of the chapters translated.
