shinmai maoh

Friday 13 January 2012

Mayo Chiki Light Novels Summaries By Flere821

I highly reccomend plp to signup to animesuki just for Fleres summaries alone ^^, Heres the threads link so you can also talk about the light novel and give your undying love to Flere :D

Volume 9 Pt 1 Pt 2
Volume 10 ch1-4 5-6 7
Volume 11 Chapter 1-2
Volume 12 ch1 ch2 


  1. Thanks for the translations. I really love this series, I really hope Chicken-kun ends up with Usami, I think they really suit each other.

  2. Im a Suburu fan myself, but Usami is my 2nd choice ^^

    Kanade just kinda pisses me off sometimes

  3. Does this show have yuri?The synopsis on myanimelist is not to clear on what this show is about.Also i bet i`m more nerabdator than you.

  4. first off no one is more nerabdator than me ^^

    No there is no real yuri in this, there is a kiss scene but thats it

  5. Hi there. um, where can i find Volume 10 for Flere's summaries? :D

  6. just posted it vol 11 is also on my blog

  7. Volume 12 came out a little while ago. Do you know when it'll get translated. And when it does, could you post the link here? It'd make things really convenient. Thanks!

  8. it got translated into chinese alread and flere has started his summaries already ill post whats out atm the rest should be done by the end of the week

  9. Hi, you don't have the links for Volume 11.

    So, here are those :

    Ch 1-2 :

    Ch 3 :

    Ch 4 :

    Ch 5-6 :

    1. I have them already, it's under the Mayo chiki volume 11 post.

  10. Too bad most of the summary has no illustration

  11. Hey Om, can you link the rest of the chapters in Volume 12? Only the first 2 are provided. Thanks!

  12. you can also look under the vol 12 post on my blog. everyone seem to be using this old one

  13. Ah thanks. The links for all the volumes are included here so that's why it's so popular.

  14. valeu pela light novel! demorou bastante ,mas acabei encontrando um bom lugar para ler ^^

  15. Where can I read the rest of volume 9 summary

  16. Is there any download site for the translated novel? The summary was great that it gave me excitement so I wish to read the novel

    1. The novel is currently only translated in chinese, I'm trying to work on an english version but, I'm not exactly good at it (jp > eng translation) hahaha.,35367

      if you can help it'd be great p/s you need to be registered and have at least one post to see spoilers.

  17. I can't believe it ended like that...
    I am doubtful if there will be a season 2 anime covering the final chapters :( It just ended in such a rushed, unbelievable way..

  18. I hope you get help soon, this would be awesome if you could do it ^^

  19. so it ended with volume 12, chapter 4 ? i wonder how will the author end this because i feel it is still a bit of a cliffhanger .

    but still, good job ^^

  20. Where are the end chapters to volume 12??

  21. man.....I really wanted Jiro to complete the harem.......

  22. guys if you checked out my other post on my blog you would of found mayochiki vol12 with all the chapters 5-7 included, but for you guys who find my site confusing ill post the links here aswell

  23. Hey just finished reading it and thanks for all the translations.. I really appreciate it since I really love the series.. :)

    And now that it ended I can say that I'm sad that it ended but hey the ending of it was purely nice and excellent.. I really loved the series.

    Thanks again!

  24. Thank you for this!!
    I'm glad it ended in a positive note and soooo glad Jirou and Subaru got together!!

  25. Well the ending was good but honestly i like kanade more. even thought i know that it's impossible from the start
